our methods

We use the Mission Arlington Youth Wrestling Ministry as a mechanism to provide safe relationships, community, and a true sense of belonging.  Through training and mentoring, participants improve their work ethic, and increase their capacity to understand and manage emotions, reactions, and relationships. We encourage parent participation and provide mentoring, counseling, training, and resources intended to improve family life.

wrestling team

Wrestling is the mechanism for training the Domains of Development.

  • Serves as the entry point into the ministry.
  • Teaches work ethic, mental & physical determination and stamina, sense of belonging

parent involvement

  • Reaching a single person in a family can positively impact the entire family unit.
  • Contract with students and parents.
  • Model a loving and disciplined family environment.
  • Mentor parents along with students.

basic life needs

  • Partner with Mission Arlington to assist in providing essential needs.
  • Providing:
    • Food
    • Clothing
    • Health care
    • Bible studies